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A member registered Mar 02, 2017

Recent community posts

(6 edits)

Fantastic imagination , love this kinda games cause they make me think and , well , this ones are creepy but manageable

Somethings that i saw :

Lot of green (symbolises balance or rebirth?

Morse code for "unforgettable" photo : theanswerlayshere

Morse code for "Solution.png) : IASIDE and INSIDE

There is a bug with the hammer

I was playing and i right click on the hammer to do a pillar and i cannot get out of the menu , i had to close the game and start from when i saved

There is a bug with the hammer

I was playing and i right click on the hammer to do a pillar and i cannot get out of the menu , i had to close the game and start from when i saved

(3 edits)

~My ideas~ :

Simple Ideas :


-Way to have back your world (like you log in but your inventory is empty , this will get users use chests to retrieve their stuff)

-An small tutorial mode

-Sharks can grab your hook or fishing rod if you throw it close to him

-More animals

Advance Ideas :

-Multiplayer worlds (Private servers)

-Community help in game (other than

-Online world submiting (people can see creations from the community , with list from biggest world to more resources)